Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Practicing Extreme Self-Care

Many New Year's resolutions concern taking better care of our health and body in some way - reducing our weight, eating more healthy foods, drinking more water, exercising more, or stopping or changing some habit, such as smoking, that is not serving us.

In my coaching practice, I have found that no matter what the focus of our work together is - whether it is personal, professional, career, or business development, growth and change - the first issue we often address is the state of the client's self-care practice.

Attention to self-care is vital to the success of any endeavor. Good health and fitness, and a high level of energy, is the best foundation for every aspect of our lives. Unfortunately, many people do not hold self-care as a high priority. Here are some of the most common excuses I hear:

  • I'm too busy.
  • I don't have time.
  • I put others ahead of myself.
  • I'm being selfish when I take time for myself.
  • It costs too much.
  • I can't afford it.
  • I'm too stressed out.
  • My ____ (fill in the blank) comes first.
  • I forget. The time just get by me.
  • I don't know where to start.

What's your excuse?

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