Sunday, September 28, 2008

Entrepreneurship Series: Risk Tolerance

Entrepreneurs, by nature, must be risk takers. How much risk are YOU willing to take? Contrary to popular belief, the most successful entrepreneurs are not over-the-top risk takers.

Here's what Kathleen Allen, author of Entrepreneurship for Dummies says about risk-taking and entrepreneurship:

Entrepreneurs are neither high risk takers nor do they avoid risk. They are moderate or calculated risk takers. They manage risk and make decisions based on what they believe their chances of success to be. Entrepreneurship is inherently risky, but so is driving a car and most everything else we do in life that has any significance. Entrepreneurs are just better at judging risk and finding ways to manage it.

Imagine a scale labeled Risk Tolerance. It runs from zero (no risk) to ten (extreme risk). On this scale, with 0 being someone who takes as few risks as humanly possible (probably an agoraphobic) and 10 being someone who takes enormous risks as a way of life (a James Bond type), where do you fall?

If your score is less than 5 or greater than 8 on this Risk Tolerance Scale, you may want to reconsider your decision to go into business for yourself.

Note: This article and the Risk Tolerance Scale are taken from Connie Komack's workshop,(c)2006-2008, Is Entrepreneurship Right for Me?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

National Employ Older Workers Week

National Employ Older Workers Week is happening right NOW - September 21 - 28, 2008. This designated week happens every year during the last full week in September.

This is not a new event. The National Employ Older Workers Week was actually created by the Department of Labor in 1959 during President Eisenhower's administration. The Week was set up in order to encourage and support older workers (defined as 55 and up) in the workplace.

During this week, many locales in most states are sponsoring Job Fairs - some with a focus on targeting older workers. For those living in my local area, Boston's North Shore, be sure to check out's Web page, Find a Job in the North Shore Region.

For a look at the National Picture, check out the article, National Employ the Older Workers Job Fair Series, on

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Boomers and Seniors in the Workplace

Yesterday, I was quoted in an article titled Retire? More Seniors May Get to Dictate Their Futures by Rick Saia of This article is a Must-Read for those contemplating retirement and for those already in retirement.

It seems to me that three large events are coming together in a way that will result in keeping Boomers in the workplace longer and in bringing already retired Seniors back into the workplace:

1. More retired Seniors are living longer - and are living healthy, active lives longer - than ever before. And therefore, they need two things: (1) something interesting and productive to do with their time, and (2)more income to finance their longer lifespans.

2. With Boomers retiring, the are some real shortages of talent in some industries - such as teaching, for example - gaps that are not being adequately filled by the latest group of 20-somethings coming through.

3. The current economic crisis is putting a pinch on everyone's pocketbook, and especially on those of Seniors living on a fixed income based on savings and funds that are being eroded or are disappearing.

As Rick Saia points out in an earlier article he wrote, "Bringing Boomers and Millennials Together at Work", there are important roles for older workers in the workplace - one of which is the role of Mentor to younger workers coming up through the workplace hierarchy.

Saia also mentions in his article of yesterday, that this week - September 21-28, 2008 - is National Employ Older Workers Week. Must say, though I've found references to this week for past years, there doesn't seem to be much buzz about it this year. Wonder why?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Entrepreneurship Series: Entrepreneurship Workshop - October 8, 2008

Is Entrepreneurship Right for Me?

This is the theme of the workshop to be presented by Connie Komack of LifeWork Enterprises in Partnership with The Entrepreneur's Source in Beverly, Massachusetts.

Are you at a choice point in your career?

Are you considering going into business for yourself?

Are you wondering if you have what it takes to be a successful business owner?

If you are contemplating going into business for yourself, or if you know of someone who is, register for this free event and join us for an evening of exploration and inquiry.

Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2006

Time: Registration: 6:30pm. Program: 7-9pm.

Place: 100 Cummings Center, Suite 221E, Beverly, MA

Fee: None. Advance registration is strongly encouraged.

To Register: Contact Tom DiGiuseppe at The Entrepreneur's Source. Phone: 978-524-9900. Email: