Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Letting Go - Clearing the Clothes Closet

For all that I've been writing lately on letting go, de-cluttering, and organizing, you would think that I am an organizational consultant rather than a Life/Work Coach! There is a method to my madness!

This past weekend, I focused on my clothing. I went through my clothes piece by piece, trying on many things. I sorted through everything I own - outfits and accessories for all of the seasons. I made some rules for myself - some criteria by which I would decide whether to pitch or keep each piece. Here is my list:

1. Does it fit well? (If it doesn't, have it altered or let it go.)

2. Does it look good on me? (If no, let it go.)

3. Is it in my color palette? (If no, let it go.)

4. Have I worn it in the past year? (If no, let it go. Special-occasion clothes can be exempt, but clothes that don't fit anymore but might again someday are not.)

5. Is it dirty or in need of repair? (Clean it, fix it, or toss it.)

6. Is it in fashion? (If no, is it timeless? If still no, let it go.)

7. Is it relevant to my current lifestyle? (If no, let it go.)

and the clincher...

8. Does it bring me joy?

The results?

Although I was not brutally honest about all things, and did hold on to three pieces that do not fit now but that I still hope will fit someday, I still managed to let go of about 15% of my current wardrobe - all items that were taking up space but were never worn. About half a dozen items were good enough to be placed in a consignment shop. A lot more went to another resale shop as donations. Two bathing suits and a few items of underwear were tossed. One pair of slacks was repaired. Three items went to the dry cleaners and several more were washed. Three pairs of slacks were brought to a seamstress for alterations. And one pair of favorite shoes is about to go a cobbler for new insoles.

And one final result: Yesterday (Monday), I was filled with energy all day. I got many, many tasks accomplished. I felt lighter and freer. This was the result I was hoping for! May it last and last!

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