Sunday, December 17, 2006

Roots and Wings

Two of the most basic needs we humans have are the need for security and the need for freedom - roots and wings. Security - our roots - can be experienced and expressed in many forms, such as home, hometown, family, friends, money, a staff job with benefits. Freedom - our wings - can also be experienced and expressed in many forms, such as travel, job-hopping, freelancing, entrepreneurship, financial freedom, the single life.

Though we all need both roots and wings, the relative importance of each may weigh in differently for each of us. One of our life challenges is to know ourselves well enough to know how much we need of each and how to create a life of roots and wings with just the right balance for our own unique self. No two people are exactly alike. Do you know what your unique balance is?

Imagine or draw a scale, or continuum, that goes from zero to ten. [This is not a scale where 10 has the highest value. Here, it is just a number.] At the left end, or at 0, is the word "roots". At the right end, or at 10, is the word "wings". Ask yourself, "where do I fit on this continuum between the need for security (roots) and the need for freedom (wings)?" Without thinking too hard about this, close your eyes and let a number between 0 and 10 come to you. Trust your intuition to give you the answer that best fits you.

Where do you fall on the continuum? And how does this answer match the life you are currently living? If it is not a close match, what might you do to re-design your life to more closely reflect your needs for roots and/or wings?
This article is adapted and republished from the workbook Designing Your Life: A Life/Work Empowerment Program, (c)2001 - 2006 by Connie Komack/LifeWork Enterprises.

Although this Blog site is not set up to be interactive at this time, feel free to contact me with your comments.


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