Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What's in a Name (or a Title)?

Have you ever noticed that the titles of some self-help books can be a lesson in and of themselves? I buy a lot of books, including self-help books, and many have great titles. But there are a few whose titles so skillfully capture the author's message that you don't even have to read the books in order to integrate the author's wisdom in a deep and powerful way. Here are ten of my favorites. May their title messages empower you!

I'm O.K. - You're O.K. (Thomas Harris, Harper & Row, 1969)

Love is Letting Go of Fear (Gerald Jampolsky, Celestial Arts, 1979)

Don't Push the River (It Flows By Itself) (Barry Stevens, Real People Press, 1970)

Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow (Marsha Sinetar, Paulist Press, 1987)

Do What You Are (Paul Tieger & Barbara Barron-Tieger, Little, Brown, 2001)

Happiness is a Choice (Barry Neil Kaufman, Ballantine, 1991)

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (Richard Carlson, Hyperion, 1997)

Relax, You're Already Perfect (Bruce Schneider, Hampton Roads, 2002)

How You See Anything is How You See Everything (Gail Van Kleeck, Andrews McNeil, 1999)

Simplify Your Life (Elaine St. James, MJF Books, 2001)

And if you want to delve beneath the surface of these wonderful titles, they would all make great summer reading. Enjoy!

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